Thursday, 11 February 2016

Exercise Routine for Mums

Yes I know what you all are thinking..

That's exactly how I used to feel as well. I must mention I was never a gym lover or had a super model body. But being overweight started when I fell pregnant, like every mum or should I say some mums, as lately I have seen many fitness lover mums who does abs exercises in pregnancy. Even though I admire them I know I could never be one of them, until and unless someone actually starts paying me for exercising. Lol As if.. haha

Jokes aside. I have started something from almost a month and it has helped me 2 kilos. Yes 2 kilos and its Down Down Down. yayy..

I wanted to share few tips with all the mums who find it its impossible to workout with kids and I know it is. So here is my non-workout routine which not only will help you cherish the time spend with your little one but also make you shed weight.

Step 1:-  Figure out what is your favorite time of the day, means when would you think you would     like to go out for a walk or a little bike ride or any activity that you like. Once you decide on a time, make sure you fed the little one half an hour before that time and you two are all set to go out.

Step 2:- If your little one is still in pram then get the pram ready, if your little one is toddler or big than you can pick the activity that they like. It could be a bike, scooter, football, etc anything.

Step 3:- Forget about everything else. Think of this half an hour or an hour (depending upon what you decide), as just your exclusive time with your bub.
Step 4:- Start walking, jogging, running, bike, football, etc whatever you choose to do with your exclusive time. Spend that time giggling and running around with your bub.

Once you start doing it for a week then increase the time and start adding up some exercises in it. But the best and important thing to do first is to fix a time of the day when you would like to so this all.
I am sure many of you have thought about this all and most would have been already doing this once a week or so.

Why not make it a routine?

Not only your gorgeous bub will love that mum who jumps around like a frog, you will also love those extra laughs and amazing time of the day.

I will add some exercises as well in my next blog which I started doing after I did this play routine with my little one for 10 days.

Last but not the least, this play time has to be outdoor, unless its bad weather (You mums are the best judge).

Hope you enjoyed it.

Lots love.. xx


  1. Such a lovely way to get fit along with playing with the lill ones. Thanks miss blogger


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